Gorilla vs Bear – Who would win?

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Gorilla vs bear

Analyzing a hypothetical matchup between a Silverback gorilla and a Brown bear involves examining various factors that influence their combat capabilities. This analysis considers attributes such as strength, agility, and natural weaponry. It’s important to note that this is a speculative analysis based on the physical and behavioral characteristics of these animals and is not meant to encourage or support actual confrontations between wildlife.

Fighter Profiles

Silverback Gorilla

  • Striking: Gorillas have powerful arms capable of delivering strong blows. Their hand dexterity allows for grabbing and throwing objects, potentially using the environment to their advantage. Score: 80
  • Grappling: Exceptional at close-quarters combat, using their strength and agility to maneuver and control the opponent. Score: 85
  • Physical Traits: Gorillas have muscular builds with dense bones, contributing to their formidable strength. They can reach speeds of up to 25 mph in short bursts, showcasing impressive agility for their size. Score: 90
  • Weight Cut: Not applicable, but their natural diet ensures they maintain a robust physique optimal for combat. Score: 100
  • Gym Quality and Training Partners: Living in social groups, gorillas regularly engage in play fights, honing their grappling and striking skills from a young age. Score: 80

Brown Bear

  • Striking: Bears possess immense strength, capable of delivering powerful swipes with their paws that can cause significant damage. Score: 90
  • Grappling: Bears are adept at using their weight and strength in combat, capable of overpowering most opponents through sheer force. Score: 90
  • Physical Traits: Bears have a significant size advantage, with a larger frame and a thick layer of fat that provides additional protection against physical attacks. They also possess sharp claws and teeth, enhancing their natural weaponry. Score: 95
  • Weight Cut: Not applicable, but their ability to bulk up significantly for winter hibernation shows their capacity to adapt their physique as needed. Score: 100
  • Gym Quality and Training Partners: Bears are more solitary but engage in play fighting with siblings when young, which helps develop their fighting instincts and skills. Score: 70


The matchup between a gorilla and a bear presents a fascinating contrast in fighting styles and physical capabilities. The gorilla’s agility, intelligence, and use of the environment could provide strategic advantages, especially in complex terrains that favor mobility and the element of surprise. In contrast, the bear’s sheer size, strength, and natural weaponry make it a formidable opponent in a head-to-head confrontation.


While the gorilla is exceptionally strong and agile, the bear’s advantages in size, strength, and natural weapons (claws and teeth) likely give it a significant edge in a direct confrontation. The bear’s ability to absorb damage, combined with its powerful striking and grappling capabilities, would be challenging for the gorilla to overcome despite its intelligence and agility.

Confidence Percentage: 65%

Predicted Winner: Bear

Round: Given the unpredictable nature of such a confrontation, specifying a round is not applicable.

Method of Victory: The bear’s victory would likely come through a combination of grappling control and the use of its natural weaponry, leading to a physical overpowering of the gorilla.